YA book reviews, reading and recommending since 2009

I’m currently in the midst of reading Mockingjay and I know how some of you finished Mockingjay within hours of getting it. And please for the love of God do not post any spoilers in the comments below. I have not finished the book! (And even if I did finish the book, I’m sure others who’ve not read it will not appreciate it.) Kthxbai.

No, wait. That’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. For those of you who finished Mockingjay and are craving more dystopian, here is a list of dystopian novels I read and loved.

Birthmarked by Caragh M. O’Brien

I have nothing but praises for this book. I won’t give anything away but you can say that it is my favorite dystopian of all time. It made me teary-eyed, something Hunger Games did not achieve, which is why it’s my #1 favorite. The writing was phenomenal and I must say, I am very impressed by this book. I absolutely cannot wait for the sequel! Very highly recommended. I cannot stress enough. Buy it, now.

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

This novel started out slowly but as it progressed, I found myself liking the characters and I was unable to put it down till I finished it! The tension and the suspense is very similar to Hunger Games so fans of Collins will probably love it as well. And did I mention that the paperback is on sale now for only $8.99 on Book Depository and FREE SHIPPING!

The Owl Keeper by Christine Brodien-Jones

Christine Brodien-Jones pulls off middle grade dystopian very well and do not underestimate it just because it’s suitable for middle graders. The world-building was amazing and the writing was stunning. A must-read!

Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

When I first started this book, I wanted to pull my hair out in frustration. Everything was so confusing and I had difficulty understanding the complex world that Trella lived in. So I skipped ahead a few pages and I slowly began to understand the setting and the world. Wow, Snyder has created a world so foreign yet so familiar. The scrubs are like people who have low income while the Uppers are those who have the money and wealth. Recommended!

The Passage by Justin Cronin

Do not be intimidated by its size. The Passage was an engrossing, thought-provoking read that had me on the edge of my seats. Although a book so big was bound to have ‘slow moments’, the last half of the book was so pulse-pounding, I could not stop reading! I urge you to give this book a chance. What a fantastic novel!

And my most anticipated upcoming 2010 dystopian novel:

Matched by Ally Condie

In the Society, Officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die.

I want to read this book so badly. November 30th 2010. Remember that date.

2011 and 2012 will be a great year for dystopian lit. Lenore came up with a list of 2011 and 2012 dystopian novels. I can barely contain my excitement!

Comments on: "Mockingjay withdrawal symptoms?" (8)

  1. I loved (how did you not get teary eyed?! you amaze me) the Hunger Games. But the Maze Runner (in my opinion) is not good and not even close to the hunger games level of awesome. It is not engrossing, bad writing, you don’t get invested in the characters and it is 100% predictable. It was suggested on amazon in that ‘related’ books way and I read it and was endlessly disappointed. I finished and my only wish was to turn back time and somehow get a refund. I don’t know if Hunger Games fans will like it much, its just not on the same level. Anyway, just a note to people who loved Hunger games.. read some maze runner in the store or check it out before you invest money in it.

    I looked up Birthmarked though, sounds interesting! I’ll def put it on my list.

    • Sorry to hear that you didn’t like The Maze Runner! When I read Hunger Games, I knew there was a sequel so there was 95% chance Collins would not kill off any of her characters.


      But, I was utterly devastated when Rue died.

  2. Matched is EXCELLENT! I’d offer you my copy, but I already mailed it off to someone else and they passed it on to a third party. Thanks for the great recommendations!

  3. Didn’t know THE OWL KEEPER is dystopian! Will add to my list. Don’t the 2011/2012 look amazing? I want to read them all right now!

  4. I am definitely looking for other books like The Hunger Games. Which one above has a little bit of romance like Hunger? I definitely want something with romance!=)

    lllinthe808 at gmail dot com

  5. What a great list! I read 3 of the 6 and agree that they are great books to pick up and read. As for the 3 I haven’t read : I am very looking forward to Matched (what a great cover!), have Birth Marked in the mail and I am not very curious about The Owl Keeper, which I hadn’t heard about. Thanks for the recommendation! 😀

  6. If I have not read the above books I am DYING TO. Matched. So YES. Need that one! I’m reading Mockingjay right now too. Omigosh! So good!

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